Kami-no-Michi or the ‘Way of the Gods’

Shinto is a journey not a destination, and Japanese shrines are like support stations along life’s path.

Joe Honton
Japonica Publication
9 min readJan 16, 2024


White shrine structures with vermilion accents and sloping rooflines amid a sunny courtyard with long shadows against a dense forested background.
Kirishima-jingu in Kagoshima prefecture, where Ninigi-no-Mikoto, the grandson of the sun goddess Amaterasu, descended from heaven, bringing with him the regalia of Japan — the imperial sword, mirror and jewel. [Image: JH]

Anyone who visits Japan will undoubtedly find time to visit one of its many shrines. No one leaves disappointed. Their beauty and serenity are the epitome of Japanese culture.

